About Us
Have you heard what they say about the lazy person? That they’ll find a way to do it well so they don’t have to do it twice. To us, lazy means focusing on the important 20% and forgetting about the rest. It means producing the highest quality products the first time so that we can focus on the next most important thing. Bill Gates once said “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” And that sounds about right to us. Do it right, do it once.
We are a small group of passionate and lazy environmentally focused product makers and technology folks. We care deeply about creating awesome products that you’ll love and feel good about using. We source our products responsibly and test, test, test them so that we get it right the first time. We’d better be lazy so there isn’t a big mess to clean up later on. We might be lazy, but we’re serious about the environment, we’re serious about quality, and we’re serious about making you happy.
We know that there are a lot of good eco products on the market, and we encourage you to buy them. The truth is that you the consumer hold all the power. Your next purchase drives product innovation by forcing companies to address the things you care about. If you take our environmental problems seriously, companies will have to do the same.
Are there products you’d like to see us make? Or ways that we can improve our existing products? Do you have a funny joke about lazy people? Whatever it is, we’d love to hear what you think. Shoot us a line at hello@lazycoconuts.com. See you soon!